Studio.News. 04.23: Art Appreciation


Spectrum Art Piece l Maggie West

Ah, Public Art — it is Art with a Job.

Makes Our Lives Brighter and Better

Art’s message is constantly speaking and bringing us into new ways to see and feel. Art is on display where we live, work and play.
Lawrence Anderson Studio celebrates Public Art by photographing and filming it often. Lawrence is, first and foremost, an artist. And when the topic of artistry emerges Lawrence lights up like a firecracker.
He began his own company, not because he loves phone calls and crunching numbers, but because art excites and arouses his senses. He craves artistic freedom and uses his creativity to reveal the people, function and beauty of architecture. 
More architects realized the opportunity to both give back and elevate through local art. Architects began using their buildings as canvas for other art forms. 

Then something magical happened.
Not only were the structures themselves elevated artistically, but the choice to support and integrate local artists have evolved buildings from shelter to beauty to community. 


Public Art Enhances the Physical Environment.

Public art can beautify public spaces and improve the aesthetic quality of neighborhoods. A well-designed public art installation can transform a space into a more interesting and visually appealing environment.

Public art is often commissioned by cities and other organizations to beautify public spaces and engage with the community. The history of public art reflects the changing values and aspirations of societies over time, and continues to evolve as new ideas and technologies emerge.


Studio.News. 05.23: Art Appreciation


Studio.News. 02.23: Cheers to the New Year